A lifelong love of aviation and abundant curiosity have inspired James to forge a path designed to change the trajectory of peoples’ lives.
How the Four Forces of Flight
Inspired the Four Forces of Life™
Thrust. Drag. Lift. Gravity. Four words that changed James Grayson’s life. They can change yours, too. James is passionate about sharing his story and teaching others how these Four Forces of Flight unlock a level of personal and professional excellence they may not even know they have. Through a lifetime of experience, James discovered how the physics of flight align with the physics of life—evolving the Four Forces of Flight into a powerful coaching principle—the Four Forces of Life™.
Learning how the best operation comes from the bottom up is only the beginning. When individuals perform better, teams perform better—and business performance experiences a huge lift.
I hope to leave you with the curiosity, passion, and tools needed to lead a life of purpose, joy, and strength.
– James Grayson
James begins by unpacking the four forces of flight, drawing parallels between aviation and life. Expect engaging storytelling, physics (don’t worry, there won’t be a test) and an aha moment or two. Audience members will discover how thrust, drag, lift, and gravity can meaningfully alter the way they approach their own lives. During the Four Forces of Life keynote, they will learn how to frame the complexities of life into a simple two-axis picture that is easy to turn to when life pulls them behind their own personal power curve.
Every workshop starts in the same place: ground school. They also all land in the same place. Before taking off to individual, team, or operational sessions, participants experience an interactive Four Forces of Life™ keynote followed by guided discussions around the intellectual and emotional axes. Ultimately, regardless of focus, the participants plot their own courses into something James calls the Double Positive.
James’ Four Forces of Life™ coaching is designed differently for individuals and teams. Both feature multiple sessions and/or visits that ensure full understanding of the Four Forces of Life™ principle and how to apply it to the real world to live intentionally, get ahead of their power curve, improve their performance envelope and pursue the Double Positive.
Using the analogy of the national airspace system and the planes flying within, James focuses on how your operational construct works with your team members in order to build the best performance that meets the needs of the organization, teams, and individuals alike. His goal: You, only better.