Good Afternoon, this is James Grayson checking in with you at Flight Level Four One Zero.
That’s the pilot’s way of saying hello to the air traffic controller and how James begins his keynote journey, where he shares what he believes is a simple and intentional approach to a happier and more productive life.
James starts off with his past—his personal journey from the age of four to the present, filled with curiosity and the need to understand how things work. That’s just who he is. And through his keynote, individuals will find out who they are—in terms of themselves, their team, and their organization. Just for fun along the way, they also find out what kind of plane they are.
Based on the four forces of flight, the Four Forces of Life™ principle is the result of a lifetime of experience, curiosity, and discovery. As James will recount, he grew up on airports, first as the son of an aviation professional, then as an air traffic controller.
By examining four basic aspects of life in the same framework as the four forces of flight, we are able to understand how topics of thrust, drag, lift, and gravity can relate to the way we approach our own lives. James will inspire the listeners to use curiosity to create thrust and passion to generate lift while also challenging them to reduce drag through authenticity and manage gravity through resiliency.
Audience members will learn how to plot the complexities of life in a simple two-axis picture that is easy to turn to when life pulls them behind their own personal power curve. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means—James enjoys explaining aviation terms.
More than a speech, each delivery is a unique learning opportunity for every listener. Through James, you will learn how to use the Four Forces of Life™ to unlock a life well-lived.
Intellectual Axis
Authenticity reduces
Curiosity creates THRUST
Passion generates LIFT
Resiliency manages GRAVITY
If you’re interested in organizing a keynote that really produces results for individuals, teams, and the overall organization please fill out the contact form.